Jamaica Baptist Women's Federation Day of Prayer

The JBWF Day of Prayer and Fasting

What is it?

The JBWF World Day of Prayer and Fasting provides an opportunity for Baptist women on the island to come together in their churches on or near the first Monday of February each year to pray prayers of petitions and intercessions for one another as partners in prayer and the nation in general; as well as to engage in reflection on selected Scriptures, listen to testimonies and give an offering to help fund our ministries. We urge you to give generously so that we will be better able to reach out and assist those we serve in more practical ways. Every Christian woman is being encouraged to get involved. Join with the sisters in your church to pray. If you cannot attend at church invite your neighbours to your home and pray together.

The Day of Prayer may be observed as a full-day or an evening. There is a suggested programme written with a Theme emphasis.This year's theme is Redefining the Vision, Rekindling the Passion, Reawakening to Purpose.

Preparing for the day

Some pointers

The leader (President of the Branch) plays a key role in ensuring that the day or evening goes well.

Begin preparations early; at least three weeks in advance.

Invite the church to attend and participate. Invite the church to join in Fasting, (full or partial) post notice in Church Bulletin and on notice board.

Invite your Pastor to attend and bring greetings. Invite women who visit your church. Invite other Christian women from nearby churches.

Make copies of the Prayer Guide. Assign roles and responsibilities. Involve as many persons as the program will allow. 

Prepare the area to be used. (eg. flowers, seating).

Be creative. You may want to vary the prayer time. Prayers can be said kneeling, standing or sitting in small or large groups or circles. Try to maintain the mood and atmosphere.

Ensure that the service starts on time and is reverent and proceed in an unhurried pace. 2024 JBWF Day of Prayer Worship Guide